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Second Semester Done!

Hello, all. I have finished my second semester at Wilmington University.

Fun fact: I was on the Dean’s List for the previous semester, which I never expected to happen.

With this semester done, I’ve decided to only take one class per block instead of two. This way, I won’t feel as stressed, especially if one class has a huge workload, and I can really start focusing on my *dreams.*

I’ve got me a little plan for 2023. I’m making up a little book of goals for 2023, and in it has some shit I want to accomplish. The biggest thing is to not have a, like, conventional job anymore. DEFINITELY no longer having one in customer service. And I really want a remote job. Copy writing is currently seeming like the way to go. Which probably isn’t going to make me a shitload of money, but will give me more time to work on writing. I really want to get queries out for one book I’m working on before 2023 is over. I also plan on posting it on a couple of sites as well as on here. There’s al so this other site I heard about that is all romance stuff that writers can make some money on, so I may attempt that at some point too.

Another thing I want to do is finally get a YouTube channel going. I believe I’ve even found the thing I want to focus on for it, which I’ve probably mentioned here a million times: Taking about garbage books, TV shows, and possibly movies. I’ll be posting a written version in here, too, which I’ve already made a post about, and I’m calling it Garbage with Gabby. Any YouTube videos I make will be posted here, too. Just in case things get taken down or something on YouTube. And it’s also good to have a place that I’m in charge of for my stuff.

I have been thinking more and more about leaving my current job where I’m a Shift Lead at a gym. It’s not that I hate it there. I get along with all of the coworkers I interact with. My manager and assistant manager are great. I face way less mean customers than I did at Boscov’s. My anxiety has just been getting a little annoying lately. And, like, it’s not really job related things that cause the anxiety. Most things have been because of shit happening outside of work, but when a tiny thing does happen at work it can get close to pushing me over the edge. I did have an actual anxiety attack once a few weeks ago where I had to go hide to calm down. It got a little bad where I considered cutting myself, briefly. The same thing kind of happened a few days ago too. There was some self-arm punching as well as the brief cutting thought. Maybe I almost cried at the front desk. And it’s weird because it wasn’t anything bad happening. Maybe I’m PMSing? Who the fuck knows.

There’s also the thing about if/when my manager leaves. My manager is great. Like, I’m not scared to ask for days off or to leave early if I’m feeling sick. He understands the importance of mental health. Terrific. Him leaving would mean our assistant manager taking his position, which isn’t a bad thing. She’s just as great, so it wouldn’t be a problem at all if she were the boss. I would most likely get bumped up to assistant manager. When it comes to the raise, it’ll be great. I’m not gonna be sad about more money. It’s just that I really don’t have a desire to climb the corporate ladder at this chain of gyms. Like, the idea of being an actual boss to anyone stresses me out. I don’t want to be the one pissed off customers/members come to and complain. And having to discipline my coworkers? I’m a bitch who hates confrontation This all sounds like a nightmare to me.

This kind of stuff is why I want to work at home and be my own boss with no one else to boss of. It just seems so much less stressful. I could take time off whenever I want. And not having to go into a place of work everyday would just be great. Plus, I would get to spend all day at home with my cat. Plus, when Doug and I have a kid I could spend a lot of time with said child.

So, yeah. I would really like to get my dreams going in 2023. The main goal, of course, is to make money from writing, but having some other little things to make money while I’m working on that would be great.

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